Trawling through my pictures this evening I found a folder full of my old Falklands stuff. I love it when that happens. Maybe I'll even finish a project oneday...
Comments closed
Although this blog will stay up for the sake of posterity I am turning of
the comments option as I am fed up fending off loads of spam comments. I
hope peo...
Werner "Vati" Mölders, JG 51, France 1940
I am finally done on the painting for this Tom Meier sculpt. I placed a
wheel chock from Aims to the groundwork to give context and added colour to
the o...
"Lust for Glory" at Colours
Here are a few shots of the first test game of the "horse and musket" rules
I've been working on, tentatively named "Lust for Glory."
This was the fir...
Printing a warlord Titan!
Yea you read that title right....
So what started off as a crazy suggestion from one of the Phosphex party
chaps made me think "I wonder" and so it beg...
15mm Savage Northmen Cavalry........
*.....from the north and Copplestone Castings!*
*Lots painted but blogging is becoming a little harder to achieve lately
but anyway let's be getting on......
Painting my Crimson Fists – Blue Armour
After the success of my terrain sponge painting, I pondered the prospect
of using the same technique for painting space marine armour. The 7 members
of my...
Empire Army Updated
Completed some pistoliers and handgunners for the Empire army today.
Pretty happy with how they turned out.
Here’s the Stirland Army as it stands. There’...
Orc Riding Beast
It has been a few years...
Since the first time I saw the riding beasts from Fraser Gray and Michael
Immig in White Dwarf all these years ago I wanted to p...
Hero Forge (review)
Starship Captian (looks kind of like me)
Hero Forge is a Cool newish company that uses
Shapeways 3d printing to create your ...
A long time ago in a suburb far, far, away. a great adventure took place.
I can't begin to recount my entire experience of seeing *Star Wars* for the
Retribution - The Battlegroup
The next bettlegroup to tackle is the Retribution, or commonly known as
the angry-elf-faction. For inspiration I took a look through the art, and
the b... updated
Hey, sorry for lack of updates. I was working on new design of my blog.
There's still plenty stuff to be done. But it would be now only abailabe on
Hello to all followers of this blog. I have decided to move the blog to a
new address.
This falls in line with our youtube channel and makes the most sense...
Back painting and posting!
Well it's been a while hasn't it? I ran out of enthusiasm for writing
blogposts late last year, my enthusiasm for the hobby was still there, but
my paint...
GW - Festus the Leechlord
Picked this one up on a whim at GW Glasgow. Mainly because the chap in
there said that there was a painting competition, the requirements were to
pick o...
Ral Partha Orcs
Here are four Ral Partha orcs I painted late in 2012. I have an bunch of
minis from the old AD&D line, and decided to paint a few up. The
BattleSystem S...
Current projects
After lots of sorting out of the lead pile, and an ongoing ebay sell off
I've settled on a couple of periods that I want to spend real time on. The
first i...
Not the film...the project! The decision to "temporarily" shelve my plans
for a full ground base, and focus upon using the Galactica ship-project as
dual ...
Adding another WebSite
AKA: Godaddy Sucks!
I am in the process of setting up another website at this time. I have been
extaordinary busy these last few months and the little free...
Vehicles for Star Wars
One of the attractions of Star Wars, as a project is the readily available
supply, and variety of vehicles. For the most part, I'm going to be using
the Ac...
A small update, but hey, an update!
Hey all,
Late here, brain hurts, here are figures.
A series of baffling murders have occurred in the high steel towers of
river city. Rich men and women k...
Grendel 1994
In 1994 I was approached by Grendel (thanks Phil!) to nock up a few diorama
pieces for the new magazine Anvil, to be produced in collaboration with
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