Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Well, you asked for it...

So here you go, a picture of a couple of the saxon dollies. Can you guess what it is yet?
That'll teach you to rush me! I promise there will be a more saxony picture as soon as it's ready.

While you wait please enjoy a picture of the illusive Lord S (he's missing presumed sozzled, you know) and Mr Martin Gibbins doing a bit of cha work at the recent Clildsplay Flames of War event.
Right, I'm off to build more dollies. 26 down, 50 to go. Oh yeah and 24 cavalry...oh god.

Stay lucky,


ivar said...

looks great can't wait to see more

WABit said...

Hope it hasn't got anything to do with Turkish Baths/Sauna kind type of scenario :o)))))

Seriously, thing look interesting.



Bill T said...

Is that all you've done!!? Lazy sod! ;o)
Looking good though. :o)

Soapy said...

These two are going to be the only geoguth you see until they all appear on the GB website.

You'll get to see them in various WIP states. I'll do the same for the Duguth and the Getricht.


ivar said...

How may different packs are you planning?

Anonymous said...

Well those look very interesting. I can;t wait to see the hostage situation and superhero turn into full fledged Saxons.

Soapy said...

Never fear, he may look like the Flash at the minute but he saxiffying bit by bit.

The saxon range is due to be 19 infantry and 6 cavalry packs. The Franks will be about six packs.

Busy, busy...


Anonymous said...

Great, can't wait to 'em saxified.

WABit said...

Dying to see how they are progressing. Strange how little things can grab your attention so much :o)))


Bill T said...

That's just what Hazel said to me last night! :o)