You may recall me mentioning about my 'real world' job conducting public first aid exams and the fact that it was all going a bit Pete Tong, well I quit. Couldn't be arsed with it any more and when looking back over the last eighteen months or so I noticed how massively it has eaten into my productivity. From December 15th I am going to once again be a full time sculptor earning my crust from nothing but the putty pushing. Needless to say, the wife is not amused but I'm sure she'll get over it. She's resilient.
I think her main bone of contention is that her dream job involves getting up really early, long shifts and masses of responsibility whereas mine involves getting up really late, shifts as long as I want and bugger all responsibility. I think she's hoping that she'll win on the letters after her name, community prestige, general respect front but she seems blissfully unaware that I withdrew all troops from that theater years ago and indeed revel in the fact that I am a complete (once more) bum! I may even, if I'm feeling particularly rotten, send off to one of those internet universities and get a doctorate for something during the week she graduates just to steal her thunder. It's these kind of petty wars and foolishnesses that keep the relationship fresh...
Anyway, what with my exam hours being greatly reduced over the last couple of weeks I've had plenty of time to get used to sculpting all day again. I haven't of course. The unexpected freedom has led to an increased amount of time wandering around in my pants, playing on the interweb and painting toy. I think though I am reaching a level of freetime overload and massive boredom is starting to set in so with a bit of luck I'll be back on track and in to a good working rythmn just in time for it to b derailed by the Crimbletide festivities and the distraction of new toys to play with. Damn.
Mounted Saxons are coming along nicely and given a couple of days I may even be able to show you some. I tell you going back to having nothing to do but sculpt when there are cavalry on the table was most unfortunate timing. I hate cavalry. Really hate it.
The other problem of no longer having anything to do but sit around the house all day is that nothing happens thats worth blogging about so until I actually produce something worthwhile I can see it being a bit quiet around here, luckily Davy Dubbya has plenty going on, go read his blog.
Stay lucky,
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hope peo...
13 years ago
Now that Hazel started her job today we have become almost twins mate. It was like reading a description of myself (apart from wandering about in pants. I do at least dress in the mornings!).
Where do you find these women? I'm made to be damn sure I get up and go to work in the morning...
Lucky B**tards....
Note of caution young man: when you do get out of bed, make sure you have breakfast not luncheon. We don't want to let standards slip.
Pip pip
The chance of getting anything to eat is rare round here. Abdul escaped from my custody during my ablutions on Tuesday and the mansion flat contains nothing more than a bottle of Pimms Winter mix, a box of Carrs crackers and some Gentlemans Relish. It's quite a trying time as you can imagine.
Oh and Bill, try a day without the strides, it really is quite liberating.
Stay lucky,
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